The Interaction Design Process

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Last Edited: 29 Jan 2009

Before I get started though, I'd like to make clear what Interaction Design is.

Interior Design is to Architecture as Visual Design is to Interaction Design. Both Interior Design and Visual Design are about aesthetics, decoration, making things visually and sensually attractive and appealing.

Architecture and Interaction Design are about making things work. They are about ensuring that the designed product, be it a building or a piece of software do the job they were intended to do. They are about making things effective, appropriate to the context they will be used in.

That's not to say that aesthetics is unimportant - it is, but it is only one aspect. The architect or interaction designer has to appreciate that, but also to appreciate the engineering that will go into producing the product.

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This was presented at the “Usability: What's the Use?” event at the CUBE in Manchester, Jan 28th, 2009.

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